Brigham Young Forest Farmhouse

  • Built in Salt Lake City, Utah 1863

  • Relocated in 1976

Brigham Young never lived in this uniquely styled stucco farmhouse, but used it as a "show place" for visiting dignitaries and guests. He and his family held musical performances, square dances, and dinner parties in the home's second-story ballroom that was designed in the tradition of New England inns. The farm also served as an agricultural experiment station where crops such as alfalfa, sugar beets, mulberry seedlings, and silkworms could be tested for their viability in the unfamiliar Utah climate and soil. It was primarily a dairy farm.

Did you know? Cows were milked twice a day. The night milk had the cream and was used for churning, while the morning milk was served fresh, still slightly warm with breakfast.

This home is also available to rent as a private venue for weddings, reunions, and other events! Click HERE to learn more.